Friday, November 4, 2011

Some politicians fear citizens with .50 caliber rifles--and that's a good thing.

"It burns us!"

Truly, a goodness thing.


Eric said...

Here's one for her

Anonymous said...

7 buildings? Really?

TPaine said...

Was watching American Guns on Discovery last night, and ol' Rich went out with his son to buy a collection of guns from a wel-to-do rancher. The guy had hundreds of guns laying around, and Rich bought $50K worth, including a Barrett M107. He then turned around and sold it "over the counter" to who could've been a poster-boy for the skin-head movement.

I'd say her fears are probably well-founded, since she knows that someone with that gun could shoot her from 6000 meters, and she'd never hear the shot that killed her. And she knows she'd deserve it, too.

Everyone has different bogie men in their closet.

Anonymous said...

This woman has a disturbing resemblance to Soros.

Bill said...

Napolitano, Pelosi, Hillary, Feinstein, Reno...they prove that conservative women are much better looking!

Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

Thanks, as always, for the link, Mike.

Stupid Media "Matters" saw the same article, and could not only not be bothered to spell my name right, when they quoted me, they just up and added a paragraph (the first of the two they present as a quote) that was never part of the article.

It's a good paragraph, and I would have been proud of it, but I hope Bob Owens isn't mad at me--it wasn't my idea that his work be presented as mine.

e.c.c. said...

All I have to say to Dianne Feinstein and Henry ''nostrilitis'' Waxman is what's written on the shirt I'm wearing [along with the Gadsden snake wrapped around an AR-15].Don't Tread On Me Liberal!