Friday, November 4, 2011

On the other hand . . .

This guy is apparently not a fan. But, I got a big laugh out of it.


Dedicated_Dad said...

Apparently in his/her/its vigor for commucrat/trans-gender/hispanic-studies, the moron utterly failed reading-comprehension.

He/she/it has also apparently never spent an afternoon with a few "regular (read:hetero) guys" - and thus has no idea what sort of things we say, how we complain about exes, etc...

What a maroon...

Kyle Bennett said...

Methinks these critics doth protest too much. Correct me if I'm wrong, Mike, but isn't the Federal government in Absolved not our present one, but a *hypothetical* extrapolation that has gone full stupid and become completely tyrannical? Yet these critics all start from the apparent premise that its looks and acts just like our actual federal government, that they are in fact your target. Aren't they admitting that they think that the present federal government looks just like one that has gone full stupid and tyrannical? If I believe your critics, I'd have to believe we are *already* under a fully tyrannical government. They don't really want me to believe that, do they?

Anonymous said...


Right on the mark. Not that any of the cretins who read you would notice, eh, Mikey?

Btw, saw you on Fox the other day. You look more like a big fat bullfrog every day. When do they take the feet? You better hope the Republicans don't take your Medicare, you hypocritical fascist.

TPaine said...

Hey! Mikey! More publicity! Ain't this great? Found a publisher yet? And you have your own trolls now, too! Never heard of this "Anonymous" fella, but he shore is a dork, ain't he?

bitter clinging Texan said...

@TPAINE-----I've seen this "anon" nimrod before. He generally comes out of his hole whenever Mr V gets publicity from the MSM. typical waste of skin

Anonymous said...

Checking out puts this clown in the Kansas City area. I wonder if "the vine that ate the South" aka KUDZU will grow and thrive when planted in Scherstuhl's back yard? That will be the perfect revenge to turn a never-dying weed loose on this clown.

fgd-anchorage said...

w00t!!! You could not afford the kind of publicity you are getting. Wow! Right on!

Anonymous said...

Its a good thing that ad hominem attacks always win the argument, ohh and when you call someone a hypocritical fascist, without any shred of proof to back it up, well that's the big one, argument over. *eyeroll* Its a good thing our OpFor can't actually logically form an idea for an argument that would actually hold water. Wow.

Anonymous said...

The screed post is from San Francisco. 'Nuff said.

B Woodman

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I forgot to add, "Bless his pea-pickin' heart."

B Woodman