Friday, April 9, 2010

Washington Post notices the 19 April Rallies

Go here. Be sure and see the video at the end with Oath Keepers' founder Stewart Rhodes.


Anonymous said...

The comments are a condensed collection of all the smears, the outright lies and the projections the collectivists have towards anything/anyone not socialist. Then, what can you expect from most WAPO readers. Registration is required to post comments there. But please register, comment, defend your views, and because of the great number of leftards it reaches, it will definitely serve our purpose to let them know that WE ARE EVERYWHERE! Dont forget your IIIs.

Mile66, III

Anonymous said...

In reading the comments at the link posted I am simply amazed so many on the left continue with the old "Where were you when Bush..." line.

I won't post even more links here, but do a simple search for "Patriot Act Protest" and you will see they happened all over the country.

To this day we are upset about the confiscation of arms during Katrina. They got away with it once, it won't happen again.

The list goes on. We were there, in plain sight, mad as hell. We continue to be angry today to a greater degree because of all those past violations and the new ones which are continuing to happen today.

If someone slaps you, you will get mad but if slapped multiple times that anger becomes rage. That is what they are not understanding.

John Robert Mallernee said...

I posted my comment.

Anonymous said...

About time the WaPo woke up. All in all a fairly well balanced and written article.

But the comments . . . .
There's one difference (among MANY) between conservatives & liberals: conservatives attack the ideas, and THEN the people who push those ideas; liberals attack the people first, then barely acknowledge the ideas behind the people they're attacking.

Whew! I'm glad I don't have to change the liberal commenter's sheets. . . . Such invective!

B Woodman

wv: idwooke - What Chewbacca carries to get into the bars and cantinas.

straightarrow said...

No, I have just about quit commenting to people as ignorant as most of the commenters on that site.

I am through wasting breath on them. They will stand down, if they have any brains at all.

They do not. Therefore we all know what will inevitably occur.

Dave Lincoln said...

I like this one:

"Both events are scheduled to coincide, organizers say, with the 235th anniversary of "the shot heard round the world" in the battles of Lexington and Concord."

Lawyer for the III:
"The events are scheduled to coincide with the 235th anniversary of the battles of Lexington and Concord."

Lawyer for the Wash. Post:
"Pure hearsay, your Honor! I object! Who's to say what date the battles of Lexington and Concord occurred on? And, do we really know, your Honor, how many years ago that was?"

Judge: "WTF, get the f__k out of my courtroom. How stupid can you be? What are you, a reporter or something? Let me guess: NY Times?, Washington Post?, what?

Unknown said...

I read the comments over there...

It's so sickening to, once again, confirm that these people cannot pry themselves away from "partisan politics" long enough to know that this IS NOT about democrats, republicans, or a black man/Muslim in the white house...

I no longer wonder why the 2 parties platforms split the libertarian point of view right down the middle, each taking half of the planks, so that true liberty can NEVER prevail...